The Pregnancy Class

Staying fit and active during pregnancy, is essential to keep yourself strong. Mentally and physically. It’s a period in your life where everything feels ‘unknown’ and that’s when our experts, Agnes and Tori step in. To make you feel comfortable and safe; we’ve created The Pregnancy Class.

What’s the class all about?

The Pregnancy Class is designed to be safe for those in their second or third trimester. We will provide you with information on how to stay active during pregnancy, which exercises support the pelvic floor, and how to maintain upper body strength as your balance shifts.

Agnes and Tori will address all these questions to help you feel strong and in control.

Currently, The Pregnancy Class is offered on Wednesdays at 8:45 AM. Ready to join us or want to learn more? Feel free to connect with us by filling in the form below:

Agnes Ricatto

Expert Pre-and Post-Pregnancy Training

Agnes is an expert in pre- and post-pregnancy training. Agnes helps her clients become their best selves through Personal Training, Nutrition Advice, and Mental Coaching. She works with their natural body rhythms, like their menstrual cycle, instead of fighting against them. But Agnes didn’t just learn from books. Since September 2023, her own baby has made life so much more fun and helped her understand her clients even better. Interested in training with Agnes? 

Tori Nations

Expert Pre-and Post-Pregnancy Training
Pre-Postnatal Coach

Tori is a strong advocate for fitness and well-being for women. During her time in the States, she focused her studies on Women’s Health, particularly delving into pre and postnatal education with a specialized focus on lactation consulting. Tori believes knowledge is power, especially when it comes to the femaly body. By assisting classes and supporting The Pregnancy Program, she is committed to supporting women on their journey towards a balanced and healthy life, both during pregnancy and beyond.

Staying strong mentally and physically during pregnancy and afterward is very important to us. This is a time when everything may feel uncertain, but our experts, Agnes and Tori, are here to help. They lead The Pregnancy Program to make you feel comfortable and safe.

Want to join The Pregnancy Class?

Fill in the form and we will get in touch with you. See you soon at the club!